Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sick already? It's only September!!

It's only the middle of September and we are already dealing with sickness - yay for fall. :)

Myah has had a bug since Sunday - poor babe! She is just miserable but I think slowly she is starting to get over it. I just feel so bad for her and hate when there isn't much we can do. Give her Tylenol, nice cool baths, etc. but it just isn't enough. I hope she is on the mend soon and that Kohen doesn't get it!

Not much else to report in the Lapekes household. Same ole stuff...busy busy! Mike has been having a lot of interviews which is great and we think he will hear soon on a couple of them. The kiddos have their well baby visits on Monday - Myah's 2 year and Kohen's 9 month. That should be interesting...then I can update their stats.

I haven't taken any pictures lately because of Miss Myah not feeling well but I will post some as soon as I do.

Have a great weekend!


Amanda said...

Seems like everyone is sick lately! Can't wait for updated stats!

Kami/The Elegant Elle said...

Poor pumpkin! I am sorry to hear your little Myahbug is sick! Feel better soon little peanut!

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